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Pursuing Justice on Your Behalf 304-605-2040



If you are injured in an accident, especially in an automobile, rather quickly you will be confronted with the question, “What insurance do you have?”

After all, there could be several insurers involved including your car insurance, the insurance of one or more other vehicles, and your health insurance. It’s quite clear that damage to the vehicle(s) will be the responsibility of one or possibly multiple car insurers, but how about medical payments if you are injured?


Our simple advice is that you should use your health insurance first. Remember, you or your employer (or both) paid for your health coverage and you shouldn’t be reluctant to use it. It is possible that some providers may prefer you list your car insurance first since those carriers sometimes pay more. But, If you have to go to the hospital or an urgent care facility you will want to provide your health insurance information as primary.


Medical providers and hospitals often don’t like to receive health insurance information solely, and will sometimes request or demand that they be given the name of the automobile insurance company who might ultimately be responsible for the accident. There are numerous problems with auto insurance, namely, perhaps the at-fault party does not have auto insurance, or their insurance has lapsed. Also, there may be complicated issues as to who was at fault and perhaps what percentage of fault may be ultimately determined by a Court.

Although the health insurance that pays the initial medical bills may ultimately be reimbursed through a process known as subrogation, it is always best to allow the insurance companies to resolve their issues after you or your family member has been treated for the injuries that they suffered in an accident. That is why it is best to initially use your health insurance, or Medicaid or Medicare if you are eligible, at the time of the accident.


Often it seems some of life’s more complicated issues confront us when we are least able to deal with them. Car accidents fall into that category, especially if injuries have occurred. Because multiple insurers and medical providers will likely be involved it can get complicated very quickly. If you are like most Americans, working through complex issues with insurance companies can be a daunting task.

At times like this a lawyer can provide important services, helping you make the right decisions and navigating through complex processes. Getting a lawyer on board early can be very helpful. We invite you to call the Berthold Law Firm at 304-345-5700 or toll free at 800-991-5022 if we can be of assistance.