If you or a loved one were a patient of Dr. Steven Matulis, M.D. and were under anesthesia at Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC) or at the Day Surgery Center affiliated with Charleston Gastroenterology Associates, you may have a legal claim.
Charleston gastroenterology doctor Steven Matulis, M.D., is being investigated for sexually assaulting female patients while they were under anesthesia. Dr. Matulis has likely performed hundreds of colonoscopies in recent years on female patients in the Charleston area. If you had a colonoscopy performed by Dr. Matulis at the Day Surgery Center or at CAMC in Charleston, you may have a legal claim.
Dr. Matulis’s privileges to practice medicine at CAMC were permanently revoked on March 16, 2016 and in May 2016, he switched his medical license from active to inactive and is said to no longer be practicing medicine in Charleston.
If you would like Berthold Law Firm to investigate your potential claim
against Dr. Matulis and other involved parties, please contact us. Our
attorneys are available to speak with you at (304) 345-5700.