If you’ve ever had to file a claim with the insurance company, you know what a hassle it can be. More often than not, insurance companies do everything they can to avoid paying out the compensation their claimants deserve.
Here are three secret tactics homeowners’ insurance adjusters use to deny claims:
#1 - They make you wait and then wait some more.
Insurance adjusters are masterminds when it comes to using delay tactics. They hope that you’ll get worn down throughout the process and just accept whatever pennies they try to throw at you. In fact, according to some insurance company estimates, 80-90% of claimants will eventually get tired of the runaround and accept a settlement that falls far short of the amount they are truly entitled to just to get the process completed.
#2 - They ask you for information they don’t actually need.
While insurance companies do need certain documents in order to process your claim, it’s possible they will ask for documentation that isn’t truly necessary. Insurance adjusters know that repeatedly asking you for unnecessary documents can lead to major frustrations, which can make you more likely to accept a low settlement offer.
#3 - They may tell you that you don’t need an attorney.
Oftentimes, insurance companies will tell claimants that hiring an attorney is unnecessary. Sometimes they take it a step further by incorrectly stating that hiring an attorney will cost you your entire settlement. This is simply untrue.
In other cases, insurance adjusters may say that your claim will be denied if you retain legal representation. If the insurance company makes efforts to sway you away from hiring an attorney, this is a red flag. Having a lawyer on your side may help you recover significantly more compensation than you would be able to on your own, and insurance companies don’t want you to have this advantage.
If you need help with your homeowners’ insurance claim, contact the skilled attorneys at Berthold Law Firm, PLLC with the details of your case by calling (304) 605-2040 or by filling out our online contact form.